14.3. Sheet Module Tests

A Sheet is a collection of Cells, with a structure imposed by a Schema. These unit tests exercise the classes in the sheet module. For more information, see Sheet Module – Sheet and Row Access.

14.3.1. Overheads

"""stingray.sheet Unit Tests."""
import unittest
import decimal
import datetime
import stingray.cell
import stingray.sheet

14.3.2. Sheet Tests

The top-level sheet.Sheet simply produces row-as-list from a workbook.

First, we define a :py:class`MockWorkbook` class to implement a minimal interface that a sheet.Sheet can rely on.

class MockWorkbook:
    def rows_of( self, sheet ):
        self.requested= sheet.name
        for r in self.rows:
            yield stingray.sheet.Row( sheet, *r )
    def sheet( self, name ):
        return self.mock_sheet

Given that, we can define a sensible unit test.

class TestSheet( unittest.TestCase ):
    def setUp( self ):
        self.wb= MockWorkbook( )
        self.sheet= stingray.sheet.Sheet( self.wb, 'The_Name' )
        self.wb.rows = [
            [ stingray.cell.NumberCell(1, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("First", self.wb) ],
            [ stingray.cell.NumberCell(2, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("Second", self.wb), ],
    def test_should_iterate( self ):
        row_list= list( self.sheet.rows() )
        self.assertEqual( 'The_Name', self.wb.requested )
        self.assertEqual( 2, len(row_list) )
        self.assertTrue( all( isinstance(r,stingray.sheet.Row) for r in row_list ) )
        row= row_list[0]
        self.assertEqual( 1, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "First", row[1].to_str() )
        row= row_list[1]
        self.assertEqual( 2, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "Second", row[1].to_str() )
    def test_should_have_attributes( self ):
        self.assertEqual( 'The_Name', self.sheet.name )

14.3.3. Eager Row Tests

An eager row is just a tuple, created by a workbook when requested by a sheet.

class MockSheet:
    def __init__( self, workbook, name, schema ):
        self.workbook= workbook
        self.name= name
        self.schema= schema
    def rows( self ):
        return self.workbook.rows_of( self )

An eager Row can be built by many of the worksheets where the physical format provides guidance on field structure and data type conversions.

class TestEagerRow( unittest.TestCase ):
    def setUp( self ):
        self.wb= MockWorkbook( )
        self.sheet= MockSheet( self.wb, 'The_Name', None )
        self.wb.rows = [
            ( stingray.cell.NumberCell(1, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("First", self.wb), ),
            ( stingray.cell.NumberCell(2, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("Second", self.wb), ),
    def test_should_iterate_eager( self ):
        row_list= list( self.sheet.rows() )
        self.assertEqual( 'The_Name', self.wb.requested )
        self.assertEqual( 2, len(row_list) )
        self.assertTrue( all( isinstance(r,stingray.sheet.Row) for r in row_list ) )
        row= row_list[0]
        self.assertEqual( 1, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "First", row[1].to_str() )
        row= row_list[1]
        self.assertEqual( 2, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "Second", row[1].to_str() )

14.3.4. Lazy Row Tests

An Lazy Row must be built by Fixed format and COBOL format. The physical format provides zero guidance on field structure and data type conversions.

class MockLazyWorkbook:
    def rows_of( self, sheet ):
        self.requested= sheet.name
        for r in self.rows:
            yield stingray.sheet.LazyRow( sheet, data=r )
    def sheet( self, name ):
        return self.mock_sheet
    def row_get( self, row, attribute ):
        return row._state['data'][attribute.position]
class MockSchema(list):
    def __init__( self, *args, **kw ):
        super().__init__( args )
        self.info= kw
class MockAttribute:
    def __init__( self, **kw ):
        self.__dict__.update( kw )
class TestLazyRow( unittest.TestCase ):
    def setUp( self ):
        self.schema= MockSchema(
            MockAttribute( name="col1", position=0, signed=False, ),
            MockAttribute( name="col2", position=1, signed=False, ),
        self.wb= MockLazyWorkbook( )
        self.sheet= MockSheet( self.wb, 'The_Name', self.schema )
        self.wb.rows = [
            ( stingray.cell.NumberCell(1, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("First", self.wb), ),
            ( stingray.cell.NumberCell(2, self.wb),
              stingray.cell.TextCell("Second", self.wb), ),
    def test_should_iterate_lazy( self ):
        row_list= list( self.sheet.rows() )
        self.assertEqual( 'The_Name', self.wb.requested )
        self.assertEqual( 2, len(row_list) )
        self.assertTrue( all( isinstance(r,stingray.sheet.LazyRow) for r in row_list ) )
        row= row_list[0]
        self.assertEqual( 1, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "First", row[1].to_str() )
        row= row_list[1]
        self.assertEqual( 2, row[0].to_int() )
        self.assertEqual( "Second", row[1].to_str() )

14.3.5. Test Suite and Runner

In case we want to build up a larger test suite, we avoid doing any real work unless this is the main module being executed.

import test
suite= test.suite_maker( globals() )

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print( __file__ )