8.4.2. Workbook Base Definition¶
These are the definitions shared by all Workbook subclass definitions.
One of the common features is date conversions. Only XLS files have peculiar date conversion issues. But we’re forced to make all spreadsheets polymorphic with respect to this anomalous behavior.
import logging
import os
import stingray.sheet
¶ All physical workbook formats all encode a single, common data structure. Here are some abstract definitions.
¶ Filename for this workbook.
¶ The actual open file object.
¶ For XLS spreadsheets only, a datemode is required. This may not be appropriate for all spreadsheets. It’s in this superclass for now, but may be refactored out.
¶ Logger for Workbooks.
class Workbook:
"""A workbook file; a collection of Sheets."""
def __init__( self, name, file_object=None ):
"""Prepare the workbook for reading.
:param name: File name
:param file_object: Optional file-like object. If omitted, the named file is opened.
self.name, self.file_obj= name, file_object
self.the_file = None # Any internal files
self.datemode= 0 # For xlrd
self.log= logging.getLogger( self.__class__.__qualname__ )
def __repr__( self ):
return "{0}({1!r})".format( self.__class__.__qualname__, self.name )
(sheet_name, sheet_type, *args, **kw)¶ There are two varieties of sheets, depending on the presence or absence of a schema.
def sheet( self, sheet_name, sheet_type=None, *args, **kw ):
"""Returns a :py:class:`sheet.Sheet`, ready for processing."""
if sheet_type is None: sheet_type= stingray.sheet.Sheet
sheet = sheet_type( self, sheet_name, *args, **kw )
return sheet
()¶ The list of sheet names.
def sheets( self ):
"""List of sheet names.
The filename is a handy default sheet name for CSV and Fixed files.
nm, _ = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(self.name) )
return [ nm ]
The Context Manager interface.
def __enter__( self ):
return self
def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ):
if self.the_file:
if exc_type is not None: return False
(sheet)¶ An iterator over rows of a given sheet.
def rows_of( self, sheet ):
"""An iterator over all rows of the given sheet."""
raise NotImplementedError
(row, attribute)¶ Get a value from the current row using the current attribute. This is the essential, underlying implementation to fetch data from a row of a workbook.
def row_get( self, row, attribute ):
"""Create a Cell from the row's data."""
raise NotImplementedError
And, for proper date conversions in XLS spreadsheets only, we have two methods. In other spreadsheets, proper system dates and times are used in somewhat more conventional ways.
Workbook.float_to_date( value ):
def float_to_date( self, value ):
raise NotImplementedError
Workbook.date_to_float( value ):
def date_to_float( value ):
raise NotImplementedError
There are many distinct subclasses of workbook.base.Workbook
, based on the
physical file format.
Many of our physical formats don’t require any physical schema information. A Fixed file, however, requires a physical format schema definition in order to decompose each line into cells.