8.4.7. Apple iWorks Numbers ‘09 Workbook¶
The Stingray model of sheet/row/cell structure does not easily fit the Numbers sheet/table/row/cell structure. How can we handle the extra layer of names introduced by Numbers?
Option 1: navigation hierarchy.
Workbook ➞ new layer (Numbers “Workspace”) ➞ Sheet (Numbers “Table”) ➞ Row ➞ Cell
Option 2: navigation hierarchy.
Combine (Workspace,Table) into a 2-tuple, and call this a “sheet” name when working with Numbers documents.
This will fit with Stingray acceptably.
The imports required to process this kind of file.
import logging
import pprint
import xml.etree.cElementTree as dom
import zipfile
import datetime
import decimal
from stingray.workbook.base import Workbook
import stingray.sheet
import stingray.cell
The iWork Numbers 09 format is a Zip file with an XML document inside it. There may be slight variations between native Numbers ‘09 and Numbers ‘13 doing a “save as” in Numbers ‘09 format. It’s not clear; we haven’t done exhaustive checking.
Numbers ‘13 is entirely different. See Apple iWorks Numbers ‘13 Workbook.
¶ Extract sheets, rows and cells from a Numbers ‘09 format file.
“file” is a ZIP file.The
element the interesting part of the archive.In addition to the superclass attributes, some additional unique attributes are introduced here.
¶ A zip archive for this file.
¶ The “workspaces”: pages with tables inside them.
class Numbers09_Workbook( Workbook ):
"""Mac OS X Numbers Workbook for iWork 09.
row_debug= False
def __init__( self, name, file_object=None ):
"""Prepare the workbook for reading.
:param name: File name
:param file_object: Optional file-like object. Ignored for v3.2 numbers files.
super().__init__( name, file_object )
self.zip_archive= zipfile.ZipFile( file_object or name, "r" )
As preparation for reading these files, we locate all the sheet names and all the number styles.
def _prepare( self ):
"""Locate sheets/tables and styles."""
root= dom.parse( self.zip_archive.open('index.xml') ).getroot()
Locating all the sheets is a matter of doing an XPath search for
and getting the workspace-name
from the <table name="name">
Within each workspace we have to find page-info/tabular-info/tabular-model
get the tables within the workspaces.
def _locate_sheets( self, root ):
"""Create ``workspace_table`` map from name to workspace and table."""
self.workspace= dict()
ws_name_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["ls"], 'workspace-name' )
name_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'name' )
workspace_array= root.find("ls:workspace-array", namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS )
for workspace in workspace_array.findall('.//ls:workspace', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS ):
# Populate tables within this workspace.
tables= dict()
page_info = workspace.find('ls:page-info', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
for tabular_info in page_info.findall('.//sf:tabular-info', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS):
tabular_model = tabular_info.find( 'sf:tabular-model', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
tables[ tabular_model.get(name_attr) ] = tabular_model
self.workspace[ workspace.get(ws_name_attr) ]= workspace, tables
Locate a “data source” within the XML document. Create Cell
def _datasource( self, grid ):
"""The data source for cell values within a grid.
This yields each individual cell value, transformed into
string, Decimal, datetime.
datasource = grid.find('.//sf:datasource', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
for cell_doc in datasource:
yield self.cell( cell_doc )
# or return map( self.cell, datasource )
(cell)¶ Create a
instance from the decoded data.
def cell( self, cell ):
logging.debug( dom.tostring(cell) )
date_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'd' )
date_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'cell-date' )
formula_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'f' )
s_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 's' )
v_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'v' )
general_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'g' )
number_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'n' )
text_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 't' )
o_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'o' )
span_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 's' )
bool_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'b' )
popup_menu_tag= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'pm' )
IDREF_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sfa"], 'IDREF' )
ID_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sfa"], 'ID' )
fs_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"],"fs")
if cell.tag == date_tag:
seconds= int(cell.attrib[date_attr])
epoch= datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
delta= datetime.timedelta( seconds=seconds )
theDate= epoch + delta
return stingray.cell.DateCell( theDate, self )
elif cell.tag == formula_tag: # formula or error.
s= cell.get(s_attr)
fo= cell.find('sf:fo', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
# Numeric Result? What about non-numeric results?
r= cell.find('sf:r', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
if r:
# Result:
rn= r.find('sf:rn', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
value_txt= rn.attrib[v_attr]
value= self._to_decimal( value_txt, s )
except KeyError as ex:
#self._cell_warning("Formula with no value", cell)
value= self._to_decimal( '0', s )
return stingray.cell.NumberCell( value, self )
# Error:
#self._cell_warning("Formula error", cell)
value= "#Error in {0}".format(fo.get(fs_attr))
return stingray.cell.ErrorCell( value, self )
elif cell.tag == general_tag: # General?
return stingray.cell.EmptyCell( '', self )
elif cell.tag == number_tag: # Number
value= self._decode_number( cell )
return stingray.cell.NumberCell( value, self )
elif cell.tag == o_tag: #??
self._cell_warning("Unknown cell type", cell)
return stingray.cell.EmptyCell( '', self )
elif cell.tag == span_tag: # Span?
self._cell_warning("Unknown cell type", cell)
return stingray.cell.EmptyCell( '', self )
elif cell.tag == text_tag: # Text
value= self._decode_text( cell )
return stingray.cell.TextCell( value, self )
elif cell.tag == bool_tag: # Boolean
value= self._decode_number( cell )
return stingray.cell.BooleanCell( value, self )
elif cell.tag == popup_menu_tag: # popup menu
# TODO:: Better Xpath query: ``menu-choices/*[@ID='name']``
value= None # In case we can't find anything.
selected= cell.find('sf:proxied-cell-ref', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
name= selected.get(IDREF_attr)
mc= cell.find('sf:menu-choices', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
for t in mc:
if t.get(ID_attr) == name:
# t's tag cold end in Could be "t", or "n".
if t.tag.endswith('t'): # Text
value= self._decode_text( t )
return stingray.cell.TextCell( value, self )
elif t.tag.endswith('n'): # Number
value= self._decode_number( t )
return stingray.cell.NumberCell( value, self )
raise Exception( "Unknown popup menu {0}".format(dom.tostring(cell)))
raise Exception( "Unknown cell {0}".format( dom.tostring(cell) ) )
Some lower-level conversions.
def _to_decimal( self, value_txt, style_id ):
"""Convert a given numeric value_text using the named style.
TODO: From the style, get the number of decimal places, use that to
build a string version of the float value.
fdp_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'format-decimal-places' )
fs_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'format-string' )
cell_style= self.cell_style.get(style_id)
#print( "TO_DECIMAL", value_txt, style_id, "=", cell_style )
fs= None # cell_style.get(fs_attr) # Doesn't seem correct
fdp= None # cell_style.get(fdp_attr) # Doesn't seem correct
# Transform fs into proper Python format, otherwise, use the number of
# decimal places.
if fs is not None:
fmt= self._rewrite_fmt( fs )
#print( "Decimal: {{0:{0}}}.format({1}) = ".format( fmt, value_txt ), end="" )
value= decimal.Decimal( "{:{fmt}}".format(float(value_txt), fmt=fmt) )
#print( value )
return value
elif fdp is not None:
#fmt= "{{0:.{0}f}}".format(fdp)
value= decimal.Decimal( "{:.{fdp}f}".format(float(value_txt), fdp=fdp) )
#print( "Decimal: {0}.format({1}) = {2!r}".format( fmt, value_txt, value ) )
return value
value= decimal.Decimal( value_txt )
#print( "Decimal: {0} = {1!r}".format( value_txt, value ) )
return value
def _decode_text( self, cell ):
"""Decode a <t> tag's value."""
sfa_s_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sfa"], 's' )
ct= cell.find( 'sf:ct', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS )
value= ct.get(sfa_s_attr)
if value is None:
value= "\n".join( cell.itertext() )
return value
def _decode_number( self, cell ):
"""Decode a <n> tag's value, applying the style."""
s_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 's' )
v_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'v' )
s= cell.get(s_attr)
cell_style= self.cell_style.get(s)
value_txt= cell.attrib[v_attr]
value= self._to_decimal( value_txt, s )
except KeyError as ex:
#self._cell_warning("Number with no value", cell)
value= self._to_decimal( '0', s )
return value
The styles are also important because we can use them to parse the numbers more precisely.
def _get_styles( self, root ):
"""Get the styles."""
ID_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sfa"], 'ID' )
ident_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'ident' )
parent_ident_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'parent-ident' )
self.cell_style= {}
for cs in root.findall('.//sf:cell-style', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS):
#print( "STYLE", dom.tostring(cs) )
ID= cs.get(ID_attr)
ident= cs.get(ident_attr)
parent_ident= cs.get(parent_ident_attr)
property_number_format= cs.find('.//sf:SFTCellStylePropertyNumberFormat', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
if property_number_format is None:
if parent_ident is not None:
self.cell_style[ID]= self.cell_style[parent_ident]
number_format= property_number_format.find('sf:number-format', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
if number_format is None:
if parent_ident is not None:
self.cell_style[ID]= self.cell_style[parent_ident]
self.cell_style[ID]= number_format.attrib
if ident is not None:
self.cell_style[ident]= number_format.attrib
#print( ID, self.cell_style.get(ID,None) )
Rewrite a number format from Numbers to Python
def _rewrite_fmt( self, format_string ):
"""Parse the mini-language: '#,##0.###;-#,##0.###' is an example.
This becomes "{:10,.3f}"
positive, _, negative = format_string.partition(";")
fmt= negative or positive
digits= len(fmt)
comma= "," if "," in fmt else ""
whole, _, frac= fmt.partition(".")
precision= len(frac)
return "{digits}{comma}.{precision}f".format(
digits= digits, comma=comma, precision=precision )
()¶ Return a list of “sheets” (actually underlying tables.)
The “sheets” are
[ (
workspace, table), ... ]
pairs.Picking a sheet involves matching a two-part name: (workspace, table).
def sheets( self ):
"""Build "sheet" names from workspace/table"""
sheet_list= []
for w_name in self.workspace:
ws, tables = self.workspace[w_name]
for t_name in tables:
sheet_list.append( (w_name, t_name) )
return sheet_list
(sheet)¶ Iterator through all rows of a sheet.
def rows_of( self, sheet ):
"""Iterator over rows.
Two parallel traversals:
Internal iterator over grid/datasource/* has d, t, n, pm, g, o and s
yields individual cell values.
Iterator over grid/rows/grid-row may have ``nc``, number of columns in that row.
Each grid-row fetches a number of cell values to assemble a row.
Row's may be variable length (sigh) but padded to the number of columns
specified in the grid.
:param sheet: a Sheet object to retrieve rows from.
self.log.debug( "rows of {0}: {1}".format(sheet, sheet.name) )
ws_name, t_name = sheet.name
ws, tables= self.workspace[ws_name]
tabular_model= tables[t_name]
grid= tabular_model.find( 'sf:grid', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS )
numrows_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'numrows' )
numcols_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'numcols' )
numrows = int(grid.attrib[numrows_attr])
numcols = int(grid.attrib[numcols_attr])
nc_attr= dom.QName( self.NUMBERS_NS["sf"], 'nc' )
datasource= iter( self._datasource(grid) )
rows = grid.find('sf:rows', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS)
for n, r in enumerate(rows.findall( 'sf:grid-row', namespaces=self.NUMBERS_NS )):
#print( "ROW", dom.tostring(r) )
self.debug_row= n
# Is this really relevant for Numbers '09?
nc= int(r.get(nc_attr,numcols))
row= [ next(datasource) for self.debug_col in range(nc) ]
except StopIteration as e:
pass # Last row will exhaust the datasource.
if len(row) == numcols:
yield row
yield row + (numcols-nc)*[None]